Empty directories and 0 byte files are deleted from locked branches and ToSorts

RV 3.5.2

Logic Issue


2 years ago

Any branch or ToSort can be locked in the tree and is signified as such with a lock icon. This implies that the directory will not be modified and no files will be deleted. However, even if a directory like a ToSort is locked, 0-byte files and empty directories will be deleted during a fix.

This issue is problematic for some collectors who keep 0-byte files or directories in their archives that they want to keep. For example someone may create a 0-byte file placed in a directory that has a filename that indicates where they found the content. Also, many old PC games present in TDC and eXoDOS sets contain intentional empty directories.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a 0-byte file and place it in a non-Primary ToSort

  2. Create an empty directory and place it in your non-Primary ToSort

  3. Lock the ToSort directory in the tree

  4. Scan the ToSort so that the file and directory are logged in RV's cache

  5. Perform a fix while the ToSort is locked

  6. Notice that the 0-byte file and empty directory are deleted

Expected behavior:

  • 0-byte files and directories should not be deleted if the directory is locked as indicated in the tree



GordonJ changed the status to WIP Testing

2 years ago



2 years ago

Fixed in V3.5.1 WIP3


GordonJ changed the status to RV 3.5.2

2 years ago

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