FixDATs are not created if only MIA files are included
3 months ago
RomVault will not export fixdats if the dat only has MIA roms when using the Reports button. There must be at least one red status rom for fixdats to save. This should be changed so that all MIA status roms are counted as incomplete and included in the fixdats.
Note, fixdats are saved if you use the Save FixDAT option from the tree context menu.
3 months ago
RomVault will not export fixdats if the dat only has MIA roms when using the Reports button. There must be at least one red status rom for fixdats to save. This should be changed so that all MIA status roms are counted as incomplete and included in the fixdats.
Note, fixdats are saved if you use the Save FixDAT option from the tree context menu.