Missing status icon for MIA found but not used for fix

RV 3.6.4



2 years ago

In the scenario where you have just found an MIA rom that belongs to a set that cannot be completed due to other MIA roms, RV will display a missing status icon in the rom details grid.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start with a redump dat that contains bin and cue files

  2. Search for any MIA file in the DAT, and manually flag the associated cue file in the set as MIA as well.

  3. Modify the directory rule for your dat to use the option to keep only complete sets

  4. Scan and find fixes so that the cue file you manually flagged as MIA is now listed as MIA Found in bright yellow

  5. Notice the rom details grid and the status icon for that fix action is missing. ("Found an MIA, but wont be used for a fix because the set would still be incomplete")