CHDs in archives do not record version flag




3 quarters ago

When CHDs are packed in an archive, the CHD version is not recorded and shows as (CHD ) in the ROM details grid. This also means CHDs will be rehashed every scan if CheckCHDVersion is set to true in the config xml.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add the setting CheckCHDVersion to your config XML and set it to true

  2. Download the EmuArc dat for Sega Chihiro from DatVault

  3. Set the DAT settings to ZIP

  4. Let RV fix the sets so that the CHDs are packed in zip archives

  5. Notice the CHD version tag is blank

  6. Scan the Chihiro collection again and notice that the archive contents are rehashed due to the missing CHD version



johnsanc changed the status to Reproducible

3 quarters ago

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