Crash due to illegal characters in path during fix

Need Info



3 quarters ago

RV will crash when a fix is performed on a file in an archive that has illegal characters in its path.

In this case the double quote is invalid. When this archive is fixed, a crash occurs:



johnsanc changed the status to Reproducible

3 quarters ago


Rafael Alonso

3 quarters ago

If it helps, I have crashes with file names in Russian in 3.7.2. This did not happen in 3.7.1.

2 hidden items



last quarter

I can confirm that, mostly for Russian names and not for all of them. For me till now It was some of DemoScene files and lately also on TDC

I can provide additional info, let me know what do you need



2 months ago

This also happens with the German eszett, ß, in 3.7.3. It will import, name and fix the ROM. On the next scan, it will show in cyan, and then error when applying fixes, and crash first time when updating cache. Offending name "(Begaße, Sebastian)". Current workaround: Rename/move the files out of RomRoot and to ToSort, and them import again on every scan.

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