Headered roms do not use ZipMove




3 quarters ago

As of RV 3.7.0, headered roms are not zipmoved in scenarios where they could be. Any movements within the RomRoot, or from ToSort to RomRoot do not use ZipMove. Any movement from RomRoot to ToSort does use ZipMove properly.

Note this does not appear to be related to matching on Alt hashes. Recent No-Intro headered DATs contain the full hashes of the headered ROMs. Example of a ROM that was not ZipMoved from the headered NES set.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add the No-Intro headered DAT to your DATRoot

  2. Scan find and fix some NES headered ROMs so are moved into place according to the DAT

  3. Move the DAT to a new location in your DATRoot and update dats to register the location move

  4. Find and Fix and notice the the NES headered roms are not ZipMoved, instead they are copied and deleted.