Ability to assign multiple paths in directory settings




2 years ago

Example use cases:

  1. Duplication: Having the same CHDs on multiple drives simultaneously (example: you keep one version of all the files on your server and another version of all the files on your MAME box in your cab);

  2. Distribution: For some larger DATs, even the beefy 22TB can't store all the files. Having a RAID is not always possible and also risky, or simply too expensive to ensure security), so a good old JBOD could be used instead, with RV managing the store the files evenly, letting the use decide how:

    1. Separate through letters (A-L on drive 1, M-Z on drive 2);

    2. Distribute files equally on the drives according to their size (have a 10TB DAT with three 4TB drives, then ~3,3TB of files on each dirve, alphabetically);

    3. Another way? That would be a major step up. Not even going to the 13rd letter of the alphabet for some recent DATs, just some Redump DATs are already big enough to benefit JBOD users.


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