Currently the only way to have a ToSort folder that exists within the RomRoot is to create a dummy placeholder DAT for that folder and then always remember to uncheck that directory from the tree. This is a hacky workaround and it would be nice if certain folders in the RomRoot could be completely ignored. This could also be useful for storing undatted collections in your RomRoot (E.g. eXo).
Perhaps the biggest use case for this feature request would be storing scraped media and storing that media next to your roms instead of needing to store media in a completely separate location.
3 years ago
Currently the only way to have a ToSort folder that exists within the RomRoot is to create a dummy placeholder DAT for that folder and then always remember to uncheck that directory from the tree. This is a hacky workaround and it would be nice if certain folders in the RomRoot could be completely ignored. This could also be useful for storing undatted collections in your RomRoot (E.g. eXo).
Perhaps the biggest use case for this feature request would be storing scraped media and storing that media next to your roms instead of needing to store media in a completely separate location.