The add subdirs if multiple roms setting places roms from single-file sets in the base directory even if the rom name does not match the set name. This is not how the feature was originally described and results in files packed in single archives to be poorly named in some cases.
For example, in this case with TOSEC TI-83 Games, ASTEROID.83p should be placed in a subdir called "Asteroids v2.0 (2003)(Martian, Kerm)" because the rom name does not match the set name.
Also... for some reason the file extension character case does not reflect the case used in the DAT.

Finally... this setting does not consider naming conflicts which can result in messy filename suffixes:

2 years ago
The add subdirs if multiple roms setting places roms from single-file sets in the base directory even if the rom name does not match the set name. This is not how the feature was originally described and results in files packed in single archives to be poorly named in some cases.
For example, in this case with TOSEC TI-83 Games, ASTEROID.83p should be placed in a subdir called "Asteroids v2.0 (2003)(Martian, Kerm)" because the rom name does not match the set name.
Also... for some reason the file extension character case does not reflect the case used in the DAT.
Finally... this setting does not consider naming conflicts which can result in messy filename suffixes: